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The Florida Guide to Concrete Repair

Concrete is everywhere.  

Because we depend on driveways, pool decks, patios, and sidewalks for everyday activities, it’s important to maintain concrete on your property. 

As a homeowner in Florida, you know just how humid and wet the environment is. High amounts of moisture are sure to damage concrete structures, which leads to safety hazards and lower property value. 

Alpha Foundations is the leading authority on concrete in the Southeast. With this article, we will provide you with an in-depth guide that can help every Floridian understand when and why concrete repair is beneficial. 

Can Concrete Be Repaired?

Right off the bat, here’s the good news: concrete can be repaired. With help from a professional team, damaged concrete can be lifted back into place quickly and efficiently.  

Traditionally, the common technique for concrete repair was mudjacking. While some companies still offer this repair option, it has proven to be ineffective over time and has failed to solve the actual problems behind concrete damage. 
Mudjacking is invasive, messy, and outdated due to new developments in the industry. Polyurethane foam is the modern solution used for concrete repair, and Alpha Foundations has our own version of the material called PolyRenewal™. 

As you can see from this rendering of the process, our polyurethane injection process is quicker, less invasive, and more efficient than traditional concrete repair techniques like mudjacking. Within the same day as installation, your concrete is lifted back into place and any signs of installation become virtually invisible.

When It’s Time to Fix Your Concrete

So, you know that it’s possible to fix your concrete, but how do you know when to fix it? It’s likely time to get repairs when you see one of the following problem signs:  

Concrete issues are extremely visible, so look out for them. 

Let’s dive further into these signs so you can better understand exactly how they affect your home and why it’s important to fix them quickly. 

Cracked Concrete

One of the most prominent signs of concrete damage is cracking. Most concrete structures experience some kind of cracking, but just because it’s a common occurrence doesn’t mean it’s not a problem. 

Cracking appears when sections of concrete sink into unstable soil. In Florida, this usually has to do with soil washout, when rain erodes the soil in your yard over time.  
Since concrete is not flexible, when sections sink into the weakened soil, the stress cracks it into pieces. You can see a visual example of cracking below.  

uneven concrete sidewalk

Uneven Driveway and Sidewalk

Much like cracked concrete, uneven sections are a common occurrence, especially on driveways and sidewalks. We’ve all seen one section of concrete jutting above another section as we walk or drive over them.  

Uneven concrete is also caused by weak soil. Structures like driveways and sidewalks are made of multiple slabs placed next to each other. This makes it possible for one slab to become uneven from another.

unlevel concrete steps

Unlevel Steps

Another indication that your concrete needs to be repaired is unlevel steps. Many homes have concrete/masonry steps leading to their front door.  

These structures can be damaged by the same issues that cause other kinds of concrete damage. When exposed to weak soil, steps often become crooked and unlevel. If your steps look anything like this image, it’s time to consider concrete repair.  

How to Repair Concrete in Florida the Right Way 

As mentioned, PolyRenewal™ is the best solution for concrete repair. That’s because polyurethane injection is non-invasive to your property and is installed in just one day in most cases.

Moreover, the polyurethane foam used in PolyRenewal™ cures just 30 minutes after installation. Once completely cured, polyurethane can support the weight of a semi-truck. 
Looking at this short video, you can get an idea of how effective PolyRenewal™ is when it comes to lifting concrete. These steps go from unlevel to lifted in just one installation. 

With PolyRenewal™, you can get back to using your driveway, sidewalk, steps, or concrete patio the same day as installation. There’s a reason that within the Southeast U.S., Alpha Foundations is the leader in concrete lifting services

Why It’s Beneficial to Repair Concrete 

Repairing concrete is beneficial for any homeowner for several reasons. These range from monetary to health-related; addressing them only helps the situation. 

hugging couple standing in front of house

Restores Home Value

We’ve all seen driveways or patios that are cracked, sinking, and unruly.  

If your concrete is experiencing this, it can have a direct effect on the value of your home. But concrete repair corrects these issues, making it possible to restore the value of your home and its curb appeal.  

Prevents Physical Injury

Uneven sections of concrete are a tripping hazard. As a result, when friends or family come over to visit, the possibility of injury goes up when concrete is damaged. 

In worst case scenarios, hefty medical bills or lawsuits could arise after an injury caused by uneven concrete. Concrete lifting solves this issue and creates a safer environment for anyone living in or visiting your home.  

Prevents Damage to Vehicles

When sections of concrete (specifically your driveway) are sinking or jutting out of the ground, it can take a toll on vehicles. Every time your tires roll over damaged concrete, it has the potential to put stress on your car’s alignment.  

If concrete damage is extensive, you could even scrape your bumper or pop a tire. Vehicle damage from concrete creates an unnecessary expense and is completely avoidable with professional repair. 

Contact Alpha Foundations for a Free Inspection

Alpha inspector evaluating cracked concrete driveway

If you notice damaged concrete on your property, Alpha Foundations is here to help. For 20 years, our company has helped local homeowners across Florida repair and protect their concrete.  

Concrete lifting helped them enhance property value and overall safety around their home, and it can benefit yours, too.  

Contact us to schedule a free concrete inspection where we will make a plan together to protect your home. Remember, even the smallest crack in your concrete may indicate extensive damage, so act today! 


Yes, concrete can be recycled. When recycled, it is used as an erosion deterrent known as riprap. Often, recycled concrete will be used to protect shoreline structures, foundational infrastructure, and more.

While it is possible to pour concrete in the rain, this should be avoided. Rain washes cement out of the concrete mixture and leads to a weaker structure overall.  

Professional pourers should use preventative measures if rain is expected during the pouring process. These include tarps and waterproof covers, so double check with the company pouring concrete on your property. 

Cement and concrete tend to be used interchangeably, but these materials are not the same thing. Concrete is a mixture of three materials – water, cement, and aggregates like sand, stone, or gravel. 

Cement alone is not very strong, and actually acts as a binding agent in concrete. It is made up of iron, aluminum, silicone, calcium, and various components found in limestone.

Ted Dryce

Ted Dryce

Content Writer

Ted is an SEO Content Writer who has been with Groundworks since 2021. He’s covered home repair topics ranging from crawl space encapsulation to regional soil conditions. When he’s not working, Ted is performing improv comedy and working on his own creative projects.

*Disclaimer: “Concrete leveling” means the process by which cracked, uneven concrete is stabilized, and in many cases lifted, by means of PolyRenewal™ polyurethane foam. Alpha Foundations does not guarantee that PolyRenewal™ can make your concrete perfectly level.

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Fort Myers

1755 Benchmark Ave.
Fort Myers, FL 33905


309 NE 1st St.
Gainesville, FL 32601


55 North Industrial Loop
Orange Park, FL 32073


3200 W Copans Rd.
Pompano Beach, FL 33069


3723 Hogshead Rd
Apopka, FL 32703


1680 Fruitville Rd.
Ste. 516
Sarasota, FL 34236


66 Industrial Park Dr.
Monticello, FL 32344


1615 118th Ave. N
St. Petersburg, FL  33716


100 N Patterson St.
Valdosta, GA 31601

West Palm Beach

515 N Flagler Dr.
Ste. P-300
West Palm Beach, FL 33401